Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Goes together like bread and butter

I have a few friends that I exchange shall we say, unusual gifts with.  Keeping things original and obscure can be a challenge sometimes.  The stakes are even higher when the gift is for some big life event.

So when confronted with an appropriate wedding gift, some thought was required.  I always like giving blankets; they are just a physical manifestation of warm, fuzzy thoughts, you know?  And so I made the toast blanket.

But as this was for a wedding, I included a floor pillow in the form of a pat of butter.  No judgement on who is who.

I also figured that the butter would work as a sleeping pillow for their cat, but as expected, the cat was more interested in sleeping on the wrapping paper than on the bed.  Why cat, why?  Why do you shun my attentions??

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